Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fashionable disaster alert!

I usually do a new product report, but I haven't found one this week so no report. =)  I have new pics of me and the girls below.  Mine is not very good, but hey, you can at least see the weight is slowly going away.
I had three colors put in my hair, an eyebrow wax job, and a good trim. Gotta keep the length for the super sexy witch look coming up soon for Halloween.

How about instead of a new product report, I give a new Melissa's hair caretaker report lol!  Mike Miller is awesome! He rocks!  Not a stray eyebrow hair to be found.  Gorgeous color on my hair.  I'm not used to quite this shade.  It's a lot lighter than I thought I'd like but it's growing on me.  He has a wicked sharp sense of humor and took on the daunting project of doing three women's hair at one time.  We were all waxed and colored, washed, cut, styled. Sounds kinky huh?  NOT! We grew up with him.  He's a sweet guy.  If you're in Cleveland or the surrounding area and would like to have him treat you like a queen, email me and I'll give you his contact information, be warned, he is always booked!

My weight has neither gone up or down.  So no news is good news right?


Alicia, Melissa, Bobbie, Mike

Alicia and her new 'rocked out' look.  Isn't she cute!

Bobbie Jo and her new, 10 years younger look!

Alicia, Melissa, Bobbie Jo, Jill

Jill, who *does* take a good picture

Alicia and Mike

Me with a good reason to wear make up.  Pasty pale is not a stunning fashion statement.

I bought a few new pieces of clothing  that fit,(ie those two shirts I'm wearing in the above pics), sort of, but I'm not terribly happy with them if that makes sense?  Those colors washed me out didn't they?  Ick.   My current size is too big and the next size down is too small. Grrrr. That size 12 is still eluding me.  I can still get in them and button/zip them but breathing is the issue.  That and the button that we might find in orbit if I move while the pants are buttoned lol! P-ching! and we have lift off!  Wonder if it would be considered an un-identified flying object?

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